The regulation regarding Exchanging Natural Assets, Natural Archaeological Site and Banned Real Properties Which Have Been Found Specially Protected Environment Districts with the Public Properties has been published in the Official Gazette No:28727 and came into force on the date of 3th August of 2013.
In the natural assets and natural archaeological site with specially protected environment districts, this regulation’s aim is, first of all, to protect the environmental value of the district has it. Second of all, regulating the procedures and principles about exchanging the persons’ and legal entities’ real properties which are in the place where is banned to structuring with the certified construction plan which is determined these districts’ preservation and exercising principals, with the public properties.
In accordance with this regulation, the real properties that can be exchanged with the public property, natural assets which are registered and announces by the Council of Ministers’ decision, natural archaeological site, protected environments which are not subject to the forest area and specially protected environment districts, persons and private entities’ properties which are determined every year by the General Directorate of Natural Assets.
The ministry will have determined that which property will be taken into exchanging program according to the application that is going to be made by persons and private entities. The regulation has been clearly issued that how the application and examination will be, how the appraisal will be for properties and which properties can not be subject to the exchanging.
Briefly, with this regulation persons has a chance to exchange their properties which cannot be used because of structuring ban, with the treasury property. By the way both their property rights protected and they could have property which is available for evaluation.