The regulation about occupational health and safety services support was published on the date of 24th December, 2013 in the Official Gazette numbered 28861. The regulation’s effective date was determined as the date of 1st January, 2014.
The purpose of this regulation is to determine the procedures and principles regarding the support for the occupational health and safety services in the class of the dangerous and very dangerous workplaces which have less than ten employees except the public institutions and organizations.
In the determination of the establishments will benefit from the support, the establishments registered by the Social Security Administration (SGK “Organization”) will be taken into consideration.
Employers can benefit from the support, who have less than ten employees in the dangerous and very dangerous classes in the countrywide. The number of employees is determined in accordance with the paragraph 2 of Article 4.
The Organization calculates the services’ price in the quarterly periods as per the procedures and principles indicated by the Article 5.
In case the establishment have unpaid premiums and premium debt to the Organization within the legal period, the debt will be deducted from the amount of support.
Coverage employers make an application to the organization to benefit from the support. The implementation about application and payment are determined by the Organization, in accordance with the opinion of the Ministry.
Employers are not entitled to receive any support for a period of three years if employers do not informed the employees’ to the Organization by determination of the Social Security Administration’s audit and control assigned officers’ determinations or other public administration’s audit officers’ enquiry, audit and examination in accordance with their own legislation or the information and documents obtained from banks, organizations of circulating capital, public administrations and organization and institutes which are founded with code or court order. If there is any support payment in such situation, the payment is claimed by the Organization with the interest starting from the determination date.
In the case of determination of informal employee in the workplace of the employers who have more than one workplace, the previous statement for not benefiting from the support for three years is also applicable to all work places of the employers.